Creating a community of restoration, empowerment, and healing.

why we exist

Our mission:

We create equitable healing and dignified experiences for survivors of crime. We provide free, trauma-informed advocacy, therapeutic, and legal services in conjunction with strategic litigation, policy advocacy, and education to transform existing responses to harm.

What we value:


Volare values community-driven innovation and resourcefulness. Seeking input from the community, we support our staff in ventures to think “outside of the box” to better serve our clients and community members. We recognize that staff, clients, and communities are pools of resources and catalysts for change.

Equity and allyship

Volare values diversity in its many forms. We are committed to reflecting the community within and tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of all crime victims, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, immigrant status, sexual orientation, or ability.

sustainable passion

Volare runs on the energy of our mission-driven services and passion. We actively promote self-care among our clients and with our clients. We dedicate ourselves to operating sustainable and efficient programs by collaborating with partner organizations, being fiscally sound, and building and maintaining community support.


We work toward system accountability, advocating against programs that contribute to future harm.

Volare’s Theory of Change is rooted in the belief that existing systems are inadequate to meet the diverse needs of survivors, particularly those from marginalized communities. Our team is trained in trauma-informed principles—principles we pass on to community members, legislators, and the media. We aim to bring about positive change to the criminal legal system, lobbying for survivor rights and improving collective responses to harm.


Supporting our community.

Volare welcomes and supports all survivors of crime, firmly believing that there is no hierarchy of victimization. We ensure all survivors are treated with dignity and respect, and maintain fluid services that mold to each unique survivor experience.

We open our doors to all survivors of crime, including those from:

Any income bracket

Any gender identity or expression

Any race, ethnicity, religion, or background

Any immigrant status 

Any country of origin 

Any ability

How we speak

Words matter—so let’s open the glossary.

Survivor-defined justice

Ser-vai-ver dih-faind juhs-tis: noun

Survivor-defind justice is the pursuit of healing and justice done completely on a survivor’s terms. Choice and agency remains with the survivor, with all tools and pathways reflecting their unique experience.


Restorative ecosystem

Reh-stor-uh-tiv ee-koh-sis-tuhm: noun

In a restorative ecosystem, systems—including schools, hospitals, and the justice system—support survivors and prevent trauma by addressing the root causes of crime.


Trauma-informed principles

Traw-muh in-formd prin-suh-puhlz

Trauma-informed principles understand that the journey to healing should be rooted in safety, stability, empowerment, and choice, so as to not cause re-traumatization.



To date, Volare has empowered 11,000+ survivors.

…And we’re just getting started. In 2023 alone, our team showed up for survivor-defined justice in the following ways:

Free and safe rides

Provided to survivors to the hospital.

pro-bono hours

Dedicated to free legal services.


Served in 2023 alone.

hospital hours

Spent with clients.


Hours spent answering legal questions.


Cases litigated (225 new, 52 continuing).


Different paths, same purpose:
Better serve survivors of crime.

Volare was founded in 2012 as Network of Victim Recovery of DC (NVRDC). Volare aimed to fill a gap to expand, support, and defend crime victims’ rights. In addition to providing legal and advocacy services, NVRDC provided crisis hospital response to sexual assault and rape survivors, maintaining a 100% response rate year one—advocating for survivors 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Grounded in quality, reliability, and innovation, the question, “What else can we do?” quickly rippled throughout every Volare team member. As the continuum of wrap-around services grew, so did the organization itself, with Volare acquiring two nonprofits while launching over a dozen initiatives and special projects to better support underserved communities and/or victimizations. At one point during the COVID-19 pandemic, Volare was the sole organization offering crisis hospital response and advocacy programs for adults.

Today, Volare empowers survivors through one-on-one support and expansion of victims’ rights at the state and federal level. We aim to build a restorative ecosystem through innovative partnerships, trauma-informed education, and public policy advocacy.


Meet our team.

We promote the sustainable passion of our staff, ensuring our team is adequately resourced, receive a living wage, and reflect the diversity of the community we serve.

Our leadership team

Bridgette Stumpf

Executive Director


Lindsey Silverberg

Deputy Director


Kristin Eliason

Head of Services


Merry O'Brien

Head of Finance & Operations


Naida Henao

Head of Engagement (Bilingual)


Kris Klassen

Advocacy Director (Bilingual)


Megan Challender

Director of Legal Services


Sasha Drobnick

Appellate Litigation Director


Shannarese Sims

Director of Therapeutic Services


Our board

Miranda Petersen, Chair

Attorney, Williams & Connolly LLP


Stephana J. Henry

Associate, Akin Gump


Patrice Sulton

Executive Director, DC Justice Lab


Mona Mittal

Associate Professor, University of Maryland


Julia Gutierrez, Treasurer

Certified Public Accountant,
Graduate Student


Chris Griffin, CPA

Partner, CohnReznick

Aryeh Kaufman

Assistant General Counsel – Executive Director, Wells Fargo Legal Department

Toni Jackson

Partner, Crowell & Moring


Kristin Sharp

CEO, Flex Association


Tracy S. Montgomery

Volunteer Event Coordinator and Fundraiser


Alicia J. Paller

Attorney, Hogan Lovells US LLP


Whitney Case

Associate Director, US Department of Treasury


Molly Levinson

Founder & CEO of The Levinson Group (TLG)


Paulo Pontemayor

Director of Government Relations for the Catholic Health Association of the United States


Anne Carpenter, Secretary

Partner, Hogan Lovells US LLP

Sulaksh Shah

Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers


Stephanie Hales

Partner, Sidley Austin LLP


Christa Heilman

Sales Strategy Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois
